Computer application

About the course

Digital design is an emerging area in Architecture and the M.Arch Computer Applications program at SCOA is designed to prepare students to specialise in this area with had a high potential in future architectural career.  We investigate concepts from computation and contemporary sciences and their impact in the domain of architecture and urban design. It will probe concepts such as behavioral, parametric and generative design, algorithmic logic and key ideas from quantum physics, biology and systems theory as a knowledge resource and means of production. A productive dialogue will be initiated with experts from other fields, including mathematics, computer science and engineering, under the larger collaborative platform of Computational design

SCOA- Architectural Computation department has a highly qualified core faculty of professors as well as eminent visiting and guest faculty from Industry and international universities. (Prof Ingrid Paoletti –Politecnico di Milano & Ar. Vishu Bhushan- DRL, Architectural Association London.) It has supporting collaborations with

-CE-N, a company working on rationalisation and execution of designs with Architects like Frank O Gehry and Zaha Hadid ,

– ‘Autocluster’ Research institute Ltd, for Fabrication Laboratory and Technical research. (CNC & Rapid prototyping)

-Collaboration with Politecnico D’ Milano University, Milan, Italy in terms of combined Studios, Online lectures, and student exchange programmes

Students are exposed to various new concepts like:  Digital Tectonics , Digital Morphogenesis , Parametric design , Generative architecture , Per formative Design ,Parametric Urbanism , Hypertecture & Hypersurfaces , Evolutionary prototyping , Emergent design.  The program has a main DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO which runs through three semesters culminating in the thesis. Students undertake professional training during the course too.

Digital design studio

  • SEM I- Basic concept formulation, non-linear geometry and parametric thinking
  • SEM II- Sustainable design concepts and design based on data streaming
  • SEM III- Urban design projects using information mapping and research paper
  • SEM IV- Thesis

Supporting technical subjects are:

  • Visualization and animation – advance 3D software and programming
  • Advance building construction concepts and new materials
  • Building Information Modeling – simulation and analytical methods using software
  • Management Information Systems – Management at all stages from design development to execution
  • Geographic Information Systems – information Mapping and querying

Skill development classes in software training, programming, coloquim, academic writing and research methods